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Almond Blossom

Almond Blossom, 1890 Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890).

On January 31, 1890, Theo wrote to Vincent of the birth of his son, whom he had named Vincent Willem. Van Gogh, who was extremely close to his younger brother, immediately set about making him a painting of his favorite subject: blossoming branches against a blue sky. The gift was meant to hang over the couple’s bed. As a symbol of this new life, Vincent chose an almond tree, which blooms early in southern regions, announcing the coming spring as early as February.

Almon Blossom - Van Gogh



Daphne odora and Mojisuri-so

Daphne odora and Mojisuri-so by Kubo Shunman (Japanese, 1757–1820)

Daphne odora (winter daphne) is a species of flowering plant in the family Thymelaeaceae, native to China and Japan. It is an evergreen shrub, grown for its very fragrant, fleshy, pale-pink, tubular flowers, each with 4 spreading lobes, and for its glossy foliage. It rarely fruits, producing red berries after flowering.

Mojisuri should mean scattered.

Daphne odora and Mojisuri-so Kubo Shunman (Japanese, 1757–1820)



Gold-Fish in a Glass Bottle

Gold-Fish in a Glass Bottle by Totoya Hokkei (Japanese, 1780–1850).

Hokkei was originally a fishmonger. After studying Japanese painting with Kano Yosen, he became a pupil of the great master Katsushika Hokusai. Hokkei specialized in surimono (woodblock prints privately commissioned by poetry circles of the wealthy and educated citizens of Edo (Tokyo).

He also created  book illustrations.  Books in old Japan were produced with the same woodblock technique as single sheets.

In Japan, goldfish is a symbol for peace and fortune due to it being coloured and therefore signifying wealth.

Starting in ancient China, various species of carp  have been domesticated and reared as food fish for thousands of years. Some of these normally gray or silver species have a tendency to produce red, orange or yellow color mutations; this was first recorded in the Jin Dynasty (265–420).

In 1603, goldfish were introduced to Japan, where the Ryukin and Tosakin varieties were developed. In 1611, goldfish were introduced to Portugal and from there to other parts of Europe.

During the 1620s, goldfish were highly regarded in southern Europe because of their metallic scales, and symbolized good luck and fortune. It became tradition for married men to give their wives a goldfish on their one-year anniversary, as a symbol for the prosperous years to come. This tradition quickly died, as goldfish became more available, losing their status.

Gold-Fish in a Glass Bottle by Totoya Hokkei



Two Men Wearing Yellow Coats and Straw Hats with Red Bows

Two Men Wearing Yellow Coats and Straw Hats with Red Bows by Yashima Gakutei (Japanese, 1786?–1868)

Two Men Wearing Yellow Coats and Straw Hats with Red Bows by Yashima Gakutei



The Elderly Couple Jo and Uba, Spirits of the Pine Tree, with Rake for Collecting Pine Needles

The name of the painting is “The Elderly Couple Jo and Uba Spirits of the Pine Tree with Rake for Collecting Pine Needles.
The author is Chosui Yabu Japanese ukiyo-e artist working from 1830 until 1864 .

Uba is the Japanese Goddess of fidelity. She is the spirit of a pine tree in Takasago, which was paired with a pine tree across the sea in Sumiyoshi, whose spirit, Jo, became Uba’s husband. The pair had a long and happy marriage, even though they were separated by the sea. In the Noh play Takasago, Uba and Jo are seen tending to their trees, Uba with a broom and Jo with a rake. The long lives and evergreen nature of pine trees are symbolic of the longevity of their marriage. Uba’s name means “old woman.”

Merry Christmas to Jo and Uba.

The Elderly Couple Jô and Uba Spirits of the Pine Tree with Rake for Collecting Pine Needles by Chosui Yabu
